Sunday, December 27, 2020

Captain Boomerang - Suicide Squad Sculpt

 This Suicide Squad Captain Boomerang model has deadly boomerangs at range and melee. 

Primed white. Jacket painted Thamar Black, heavily drybrushed Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bootstrap Leather, lightly drybrushed mix Bootstrap Leather and Menoth White Highlight. Paints painted Exile Blue, drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, and lightly drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight with Morrow White highlights on the pockets.

Shirt painted Cygnar Base Blue, heavily drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight, lightly drybrushed mix Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight, then even lighter drybrush with the same but more Menoth White Highlight. Morrow White was used for shirt trim and logo.

Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. Boomerangs painted Cold Steel and highlighted Silver. Hair and beard painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bootstrap Leather, and lightly drybrushed Guncorp Brown. Cap painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, lightly drybrushed mix Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight. Washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Saturday, December 26, 2020


 Slipknot is a member of the Suicide Squad and although not powerful is very mobile around the board; a second story man as they are called.

Primed white. Painted Thamar Black, heavily drybrushed Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight.

Skin painted Khardic Flesh and drybrushed Midlund Flesh. Guns painted Cold Steel. Rope painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Gun Corp Brown, lightly drybrushed Mouldy Ochre. Hair painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Coal Black, and lightly drybrushed mix Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight. Model washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Monday, December 21, 2020


 Pyro is a Suicide Squad model based on the character in the movie, for the Batman Miniature Game. I paint for arms length quality and the zoom on the camera agrees, it does not look great close up.

Primed white. Pants painted Thamar Black, Heavily drybrushed 2/3 Coal Black and Thamar Black, drybrushed 2/3 Coal Black and Menoth White Highlight on the upper parts, light drybrush with the same but more Menoth White Highlight. Shirt painted Menoth White Highlight and drybrushed Morrow White. Jacket torso part painted Exile Blue and drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight, then lighter drybrush of same with more Menoth White Highlight. Outer sleeves painted Cygnar Blue Highlight and Menoth White Highlight, drybrush of same with more Menoth White Highlight, and light drybrush with Menoth White Highlight. 

Flames in hand painted Thamar Black, Lower 3/4 drybrush Khador Red Base, heavy drybrush of Ember Orange, drybrush on lower half with Heartfire, drybrush on lower third with Cygnar Yellow with flames washed with Nuln Oil. Skin painted Iridian Flesh, drybrushed Khardic Flesh, lightly drybrushed Midlund Flesh. Quicksilver used on chain on belt and buttons. Thamar Black applied to face tattoos. Model washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Building Under Construction by Kenner

Made by the toy company Kenner, and distributed in Canada by Irwin, this Girder Town Playset was found at a flea market. I had no idea what to do with it at the time but it was quite cheap. During my cleaning up of my hobby area I found it again and began to experiment (play with it). I decided to use it for an unconstructed building terrain piece. 

I do have to give it a steel drybrush, a brown wash and some rust effects but that will wait till the summer.

As you can see below, the scale for the set is a little small for the 35mm figs that the Batman Miniature game uses. Because its a building under construction, modals can easily be moved around.

If you also want to get this set, this is what it looks like. Other sets were made with the same interlocking plastic girder system so one set can be combined with another. I could see this type of toy be used for lots of different scales.

After I was done I had all these left over, so their is potential for more. Be advised that the attachment parts can be fragile but if they break, could use glue if it is a permanent structure or used as rubble.

These were the awful panels that came with the toy. I had no use for them so they were recycled.

These were some horribly drawn interior panels that were also recycled.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Deadshot - Suicide Squad sculpt

 A ranged expert, this Suicide Squad Deadshot model is different than the comic version of him in the game. My apologies to Will Smith, the actor who played Deadshot in the film. His face looked good until I took the closeup picture. I'll just say he's taken off his disguise and some bits are still stuck on his head. Yeah. That's it.

Primed white. Painted Thamar Black. Armour painted Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. Costume painted Skorne Red and drybrushed Khador Red Base.

The aweful face I painted was done with Umbral Umber, drybrushed Iridian Flesh, and lightly drybrushed Khardic Flesh. Again, apologies.

Guns and eyepiece painted/drybrushed Cold Steel. Eyepatch had a drop of Khador Red Base. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Mantic Traps

The Mantic Traps that I got in their first Terrain Crate kickstarter is now included in their Dark Lord's Tower. For this I used various dollarstore paints. They will be useful in Frostgrave games and anything else.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Killer Croc - Suicide Squad Sculpt

 From the Suicide Squad film, this version of Killer Croc is cheaper in points than the comic sculpt but still tough and deadly in a melee.

Primed white. Clothing painted Thamar Black, drybrushed Umbral Umber. Jacket and pants lightly drybrushed Bootstrap Leather. Hoody heavily drybrushed Bootstrap Leather, drybrushed mix Bootstrap Leather and Menoth White Highlight, then lightly drybrushed same with a little more Menoth White Highlight.

Stripes and image on back of jacket painted Morrow White and when I realized it didn't liike good painted Rucksack Tan. Skin painted Traitor Green, drybrushed Traitor Green and Menoth White Highlight, and lightly drybrushed same with more Menoth White Highlight. Jacket and pants washed with Ogryn Flesh. Base painted dollarstore black, heavily drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Base. Model washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Mantic Temple

I picked these up in the Mantic Terrain Crate a couple years back. Its also available here and here.

I used some Army Painter gloss on the water to make it look more liquid like.


Saturday, December 5, 2020

Mantic Library

 I dove into my Mantic Terrain Crate Kickstarter to put together some Library terrain. Its also available from Mantic here, here, or here. I used dollarstore paints and a few Privateer Press paints too. It will fit in with my Frostgrave scenarios that call for it and any other ones too.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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