Sunday, September 19, 2021

Enlightened - Hunt for the Prometheus models

I have finished the Enlightened faction models in the Hunt for the Prometheus starter box for the Dystopian Wars game. The large ships are the Prometheus/Hypathia Generator ship and the Descartes Control ship. The three mid size ships are the Antarctica Superiority/Ulysses Vanguard cruisers. The nine small ships are Germain/Merian Drone frigates. The small ships are Finally it comes with faction specific SRS tokens (short range squadrons). They were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier.

Now onto the Spartan Games era air models I have.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Enlightened - Descartes Control Ship

The Dystopian Wars Enlightened Descartes control ship has excellent anti aircraft abilities as well as whales enhanced by mad science! They were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier.

Physeter constructs are made from cetacean creatures: whale, dolphin, porpoises. They can be deployed each turn to ram enemy ships as well as with a first turn ambush. Icky.

I did not glue the turrets so that they can be swapped out.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Enlightened - SRS tokens

SRS, or short range squadron, is the name used for small fighter groups of the different factions in Dystopian Wars. The fighters were painted with metals, a bit of Dwarf Bronze, and a wash of Nuln Oil. The water was painted with three colours of dollarstore blue.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Enlightened - Hypathia Generator Ship

The Enlightened faction's Hypathia Generator ship for Dystopian Wars is a great model. They were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier.

I didn't glue the turrets on in case they allow particle emitters. The generators are swappable with the current rules though.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Enlightened - Antarctica Superiority/Ulysses Vanguard Cruisers

The Antarctica Superiority cruiser for the Enlightened faction in Dystopian Wars, as made by Wayland Games/Warcradle. By swapping out its central turret heavy particle cannon to an SRS fighter launcher turns it into a Ulysses Vanguard cruiser. Either turreted particle beamer can be swapped out for pulse emitters for both classes of ship, but all ships in the squadron must be the same. They were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier.

By not gluing the central ball turret in place, it can be swapped out for the fighter SRS and be the Ulysses class cruiser. This class of ship also has the vanguard rule. 

Friday, September 10, 2021

Enlightened - Germain/Merian Drone Frigates

The Germain/Merian drone frigate, for the Dystopian Wars Enlightened faction, is a workhorse ship with wavelurker, pack hunter, and good weapon systems. They are made by Wayland Games/Warcradle and they were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier. The first two pictures below are for the Germain.

If you do not glue the turret, you can swap it out for a pulse emitter and it turns into a Merian class frigate.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Enlightened/Covenant of Antarctica Fleet

 Here is my Spartan Games Covenant of Antarctica fleet for Dystopian Wars, which is now called the Enlightened faction in Wayland Games' third edition of the rules. It totals just under 3000 points under the third edition rules ORBAT. They were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier. Below are the names and links to the Spartan Games versions and after the slash are the third edition names.

For small ships there are 11 Thales corvettes/corvettes, four Plutarch heavy destroyers/Germain, and 22 Diogenes torpedo sub/Diogenes frigate.
For medium ships there are three Fresnel gunships/Copernicus, one Hippasus battle cruiser/Lovelace cruiser, six Plato/Lovelace cruisers, four Kepler light carriers/Plinius, and three Cleomedes/Stilleto cruisers.
For large ships there are one Callimachus Time Dilatation Orb/?, 2 Aristotle/Hypathia battleships, one Diophantus assault carrier/Hypathia, and one Pericles Drone fleet carrier/Descartes, 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Enlightened - Cleomedes Cruisers

These are three Dystopian Wars Cleomedes cruisers made by Spartan Games for the Covenant of Antarctica faction. Under Wayland Games' third edition of the game, these ships are "count as" Stilleto cruisers. They were painted the same as the Kepler light carrier.

They are wave riders so the upper structure can be removed and used to indicate they are partially submerged.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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