Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Malifaux Cherub

 Well, last of the Malifaux Neverborn to paint, for now, is the Malifaux Cherub.He (It) is Lilith's totem with the ability to cast Lilith's spells through it and stop other models with the power of love (Huey Lewis song reference. Also a Frankie Goes to Hollywood Christmas song. But i digress). It will follow a similar painting theme to the Terror Tots i did.
 Here it is primed.So deceptive.
 The Wyrd Miniatures studio paint job.
 I started with GW Red Gore.
 Then drybrushed GW Scab Red.
 Next drybrushed GW Elf Flesh.
 The bow was painted GW Mitherel Silver.
 The eyes painted GW Red Gore. The wings were washed in GW Ogrun Flesh and then GW Gryphon Sepia. That's it.
 From behind. Scandalous.
A little simple model. Now to base the Neverborn models.

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