Friday, May 4, 2012

Young Nephilium - Making Wings

When i opened my Wyrd Miniatures Neverborn Young Nephilium blister recently, i discovered that there was something missing...
...a wing!
 Not to let it deter me, i decided to fabricate one. I started with some hobby wire from BC Shaver in Victoria. I always try to have some around.
 I shaped it with my hands and a pair of pliers.
 Then using some greenstuff and old dental tools my wife gave me from her work to form it a little.
Ta Da! They are a little larger than the original wing but these are nasty little manifestations after all.


  1. Not a bad job! You probably could have called Wyrd and got one mailed to you for free. But it is quite a workable replacement.

    Could you post a picture of it painted? In the post of the painted young nephilim it's at an angle you can't see the wings :)

    I've recently got in to Malifaux myself and chose Lilith's brood and have been looking for painting ideas, so I've been enjoying this section of your blog!

    1. Thanks! I've updated the pictures to include the back wings in the section where i painted them.


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