So i've had the GW Temple of Skulls kit since it was released. Since i'm trying to make more terrain this year and i thought it would be quick to assemble. It was and very quick to paint since i started it six days ago and spent an hour or so each day on it.
Here's the "back-of-the-box" depiction.
Here it is after assembly and a spray of Krylon gloss black primer
Because its terrain, i use mostly dollar store paints. They're cheap, do a perfectly fine job and... control the amount of paint on the brush. This is essential for drybrushing as you can put just a little dab on the brush, a couple of swipes on some newspaper and you're off!
This after a coat of the darker grey. I was careful in not having too much paint near the spaces in-between the blocks, so as to keep the black, black. As you can see it makes the detail pop out.
A drybrush of the lightest grey.
I didn't use the middle grey because i found this looked just fine and saved some time.
Now the earthen parts with two more dollar store paints.
I also used the GW Darksun paint for the outer eye parts.
Now its getting creepy.
GW Scab red and GW Skull White for the inner eye and the lighter brown for the earth.
Details are emerging.
The other side.
The seam is very noticeable now with the drybrushing, alas.
Here it is complete! I used some GW graveyard Earth for some lighter brown drybrushing, then some GW Skull White drybrushed everywhere. Finally some Skull white on the little skulls. For some plant life i used some GW and Gall Force Nine grasses to cover up the errors here and there and to add depth.
All in all an easy kit to assemble and paint. For playing it may be problematic with the one set of stairs but that can be mitigated by having it be impassable/solid terrain for show only. You could also have the terrain piece in the middle of the table and the stairs be going to the left/right table edge. A "race/fight-for-the-stairs" kind of thing.
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