Saturday, July 11, 2020

Rat Kings

Here are my Rat Kings. They were purchased in the old Brotherhood of the Rat box but are now available in the new Brotherhood of the Rat box for Hamlin's crew.
 First primed black. One Kings rats were painted Greycoat Grey, drybrushed Ironhull Grey, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. The other one's rats painted Umbral Umber, drybrushed Bootstrap Leather, and lightly drybrushed Beast Hide. Cloak painted Bloodtracker Brown, drybrushed Beast Hide, and lightly drybrushed Rucksack Tan.
Eyes painted Khador Red. Tails painted Carnal Pink. Crown painted Cold Steel and drybrushed Radiant Platinum. Seams on cloak painted Beast Hide. Base made with Milliput Brown and design made with a Basius plate "Sanctuary". Base painted dollarstore black, rough drybrushed Cryx Bane Base, drybrushed Cryx Bane Highlight, and lightly drybrushed Trollblood Highlight. Whole model washed with Agrax Earthshade. Base rim painted with Moldy Ochre.

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