Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dystopian Wars Launch and Firestorm Armada Beta

 In just over three days, Wayland Games will start selling their first new models and rules with the Hunt for the Prometheus starter box, the next iteration of the Dystopian Wars rules since they bought Spartan Games' assets. A friend and I are splitting the box and I do not need the rulebook as I will be getting my own physical copy, with their registration program. In that program, you could post yourself with an Spartan Games Dystopian Wars rulebook in order to get the new one. I did that over a year ago and received notification that it would be coming after they affirmed my address. 

That brings me to Firestorm Armada. They are in a beta right now and intend on doing the same thing. Post yourself, fill in the form, and join the new community for the next version of the game. You can even have the rulebook delivered to your local gaming store if you wish, probably to show off a bit and generate interest in the game. The link is here for details and I intend to do the same for this game.

Now if a new Planetfall and Uncharted Seas rulebook would come out...time will tell.

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