Thursday, January 7, 2021

Space Horizon Wars - Generic Units

 Continuing the project for my Horizon Wars in space units for United, Sovereignty, Insurgency, and Unknown factions (Unknown might be creepy but some are desperate or greedy) I have made some generic units. They will be used mostly for scenarios but can supplement factions as Q-Ships.

The bunch.

Generic Tug, for scenarios (P2 Mech with lots of armour and special movement or modified for repair or minelaying)

Generic Satellite (P1 Mech having lots of armour and no movement. Could have options like an automated weapon station with stealth suite)

Generic Small Transport (P1 mech or aircraft with 1 firepower and rest in the other three stats. Could also be a converted Q ship)

Generic Medium Transport (P2 Mech or aircraft with 2 firepower and rest in the other three stats. Could also be a converted Q ship)

Generic Large Transport (P4 mech with 3 firepower and rest in the other stats. Could also be a converted Q ship)

Generic Mining Tow Vessel (P3 Mech with repair abilities to represent techs and riggers onboard)

Generic Police Cruiser for when military ships are too much or cannot do the job (P3 Mech and thinking of it having assisted targeting, short extended range, and assassin upgrades to incapacitate ships)

Generic Civilian Transport (P4 Mech or Aircraft as a scenario unit although could be a Q Ship)

The back of it.

Generic Exploration or Ship (P5 Aircraft/Mech for scenarios although could be a Q Ship)

The back of it.

Space Station (P5 Mech with 1 or 2 movement and the rest in firepower, armour, and defense with repair capability and whatever else I need for the scenario)

Well, that's it on this topic for now. It was fun using what I already had in storage and reliving my younger days and purchases from my early 20's. Just goes to show you can combine fun, creativity, memories, and serious wargaming business in one bundle. Might try some solo scenarios and detailed stats in some sort of campaign pdf. Stay tuned.

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