Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Space Horizon Wars - United Faction

 So to expand on my Horizon Wars in Space overview post I made ships for the United faction, expanding their capability and providing larger ships for the table. Ground forces already painted are here: Infantry, Vehicles, and Mechs/Aircraft.

Here is the space fleet for the faction.

United Frigate (Light Cavalry)

United Cruiser (Heavy Cavalry)

United Destroyer (Heavy Artillery)

United Experimental Craft (P2 Mech). As the United faction has the most tach they can swap out options in these craft.

United Battleship (P4 Mech)

United Dreadnaught (P5 Mech)

United Carrier (P6 Mech) with transport selection from the aircraft making rules.

United Transport (P5 Mech) with transport selection from the aircraft making rules.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the link to the HWMD FB group. Perhaps you'd like to re-visit this for the new edition? I don't know if you knew this, but many of the earliest playtests for Horizon Wars were done with Lego, because I didn't have a large enough miniatures collection and we were struggling a bit for money at the time.


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