Saturday, June 11, 2022

Marvel Champions - Cycle 1

As detailed in my previous Marvel Champions post of the core set, this game is extremely variable. Part of the fun it trying new combinations of heroes, aspects and basic cards, villains, modular encounters, and basic/expert modes. I had a lot of fun trying out these new heroes and villain packs. 

First I will go over the villain packs then the hero packs, in this cycle.

Green Goblin Scenario Pack: This is a must get set because of the variability of this set. Comes with two villains (Risky Business/Green Goblin and Mutagen Formula/Greener Goblin) and four modular encounters (Goblin Gimmicks, Mess of Things/Scorpion, Power Drain/Electro, Running Interference). The Risky Business, or basic Green Goblin, has a scheming Norman Osbourne trying to take over Stark Enterprise while expanding his criminal empire. Eventually the Green Goblin personality will take over Norman and start attacking the heroes but in short order he will fade away and Norman will be back. This is a very interesting villain to overcome and requires adapting quickly to the changes because all damage to Norman is taken off of his Criminal Enterprise card. Once the card is empty, it is flipped over to the madness side and the Norman card is flipped to the Green Goblin side. Those with the  Leadership aspect and/or high ally use will suffer from the bombs that Green Goblin uses when he changes or with specific encounter cards. Its not overly hard just clever. Mutagen Formula has LOTS of minions that Green Goblin uses as he unleashes his goblin gas on the city. Because of the several cards that increase threat on the main scheme based on the number of goblin cards in play, you cannot ignore the minions. The problem is that many of them are quite tough which makes this villain tough to beat.

The modular encounters are interesting. Goblin Gimmicks are your glider and bombs that the Green Goblin uses but are quite amusing when attached to Rhino or other villains. Mess of Things/Scorpion has lots of stun affects which can delay heroes from going after the main villain or minions. Power Drain/Electro is all about running the deck out and causing multiple hero damage. Running Interference forces the hero to either not be able to change forms or keep them in their alter-ego form.

Both Spider-Man and She Hulk were tried out against Risky Business and Goblin Gimmicks. Black Panther tried Mutagen Formula with Goblin Gimmicks and couldn't quite get it but Spider-Man could after two attempts.

Wrecking Crew: This is an odd set. All four of the Wrecking Crew are on the table at the start and because they are breaking out of prison the cards are appropriately themed. You have to really keep an eye on the main scheme and try to ignore each villain's side schemes, as annoying as they are because they have various debilitating effects. The problem with this set is that the villains are predictable and with some foresight are easy to beat. They are good to test a hero's ability to solo beat multiple elite enemies but this set does not have to be a must buy.

Captain America: A great all around hero deck that did it well. Would make a great deck for players starting out. Also good to switch to alter-ego at times to make allies cheaper and use Steve's Apartment card. 

Ms. Marvel: Not a good solo deck as it failed three times vs Rhino/Bomb Scare. However in a game of two hero/one handed (see end of post) with Captain Marvel was perfectly fine. 

Thor: Also not a good solo deck and failed three times vs Rhino/Bomb Scare. In two games of two hero/one handed with She Hulk vs Rhino did just fine.

Black Widow: Like Captain America, a perfect deck out of the box. It is a must to switch between alter-ego and hero often to take advantage of special abilities. 

Doctor Strange: The special spell deck can make or break the bonus mustard it brings to the table but the entire deck rarely disappoints for flair. Will need to change to alter-ego often to recover hit points. A good toolbox for multiplayer play too.

Hulk: This deck is a little one note and although I won most solo games, a couple of bad rounds is brutal for Hulk. Lack of dependable thwart means this deck is best in multiplayer games.

There are two fan made items of note: Spider-Man Origins and Two-Hero/One Deck.

-Spider-Man Origins Campaign: This nine game journey, using the core box and Green Goblin set, takes Peter Parker from just starting out to defeating Green Goblin in the Mutagen Formula deck. There are options to change up the deck with choices as each game makes Spider-Man better or with advantages, if you win a game. 

-Solo Team Up: A cool way to play 2-4 hero games in solo mode and see where solo hindered decks can shine. Also will be fun to try traditional and unusual team-ups. 

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