Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Viktor Pendrake

Sorry for the slightly fuzzy picture. I think I need to invest in a light box with all the yellow tint to my pics as well. Anyways...
Viktor Pendrake is a Hordes Minions model (good for Circle, Trollbloods and Thornfall Alliance) but is also a Cygnar ally, meaning that he can work in mercenary units that can field Cygnar as well. If your local group has lots of Hordes players, he's an excellent model to have.
 The model was first based with Krylon Black primer. Then the pants were painted in P3 Hammerfall Khaki, the boots and underjacket in P3 Gun Corps Brown and then were drybrushed with P3 Bootstrap Leather.
 The face was then painted in P3 Midlund Flesh, then drybrushed with P3 Ryn Flesh. The armor and metal parts were painted, lightly, with P3 Ironhull Grey.
 P3 Cold Steel was then lightly painted over the metal parts. Then P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight was used on the jacket. Then the hair was painted with GW Chaos Black.
 GW Fortress Grey was drybrushed onto the hair then P3 Morrow White Highlight was even lightly drybrushed onto the hair. P3 Bootstrap Leather and P3 Rucksack Tan were used on belts and leather bits.
 A 50/50 mix of P3 Frostbite and P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight was drybrushed onto the jacket. Then GW Drawf Bronze was used on the shiny bits.
 On the decapitated beast, P3 Battlefield Green was painted on first, then P3 Traitor Green was drybrushed on. Finally P3 Hammerfall Khaki was used on the hair. P3 Menoth White Highlight was used on the teeth.
 For the glasses, P3 Arcane Blue was used.
 Then a wash of GW Devlan Mud was applied and the model based. Again, apologize for the blurryness.
And the back.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Anastasia di Bray

Anastasia is a mini that does not stand alone. If she gets close to an enemy warcaster, she can use her espionage ability. This allows your models to make a free move and attack. This model against up close and personal enemy warcasters makes it even more powerful.
 I started the model primed white with Krylon white primer spray. Then used P3 Hammerfall Khaki on the gloves and pants. P3 Battlefield Green was used on the jacket and boots then P3 Traitor Green drybrushed over them.
 P3 Midlund flesh was used on the face, then drybrushed P3 Ryn Flesh. P3 Ironhull Grey was then used on the metal parts.
 I then used P3 Cold Steel on the metal parts, GW Chaos Black on the hair then it was drybrushed with P3 Coal Black.
 I used a little GW Fortress Grey and P3 Cold Steel on some metal parts I missed. Then used P3 Rucksack Tan on the handgrip of the sword and on the belt.
 Finally some makeup, which I have not had good success with. GW Blood Red was applied to the lips and GW Dwarf Bronze on some sword detail.
 Finally GW Devlan Mud was used as a wash and the model based.
 The back.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Gun & Torpedo Satellites

The Gun and Torpedo satellites can be used by any race or faction and are generic in their rules. They come in a pack of four with two of each type.
 I used a dark shade of grey and drybushed lighter and lighter shades. I then used P2 Cold Steel for the weapon systems and solar panel struts. Then I used GW Blood Red for detailing the parts of the weapons. The solar panels I painted with P3 Arcane Blue then lightly put streaks of P3 Menoth White Highlight to make it look shiny and reflective. Above is the Gun satellite.
 Here is the Torpedo satellite.

Apex class Dreadnaught

 Dreadnaughts in Firestorm Armada are the big baddies of the game (for now). They are bristling with weapons, MARs and can be a game changer for your fleet. They also can take up a lot of points and in smaller point games, can limit the number of cards you can have in your hand.
The Relthoza Apex class dreadnaught is an imposing beast and although I have not used it on the tabletop, it was easily put together and painted.
 They are much larger models than the standard cruiser, as they should be!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stinger Escorts

 Escorts for most fleets are used to prevent enemy torpedoes and fighters from coming in too close. The Relthoza Stinger class is a different kind of escort. They have a higher AP value in order to be used to board and take over other ships, without having the ship it is protecting use theirs.
They come in a pack of six and one to three of them must be attached to ships. They are smaller than the cruiser and come in one piece.

Venom class Destroyers

Destroyers, for any Firestorm Armada fleet, are excellent at range band three (16 to 24 inches) and all have the MAR "Hidden Killer". This means with engines cut they cannot be targeted at range band three or four.
 The Relthoza Venom class destroyer (sold in packs of two) is better than most destroyers because its firing arc is not forward but to the port and starboard sides. It can also fire linked with its squadron while cloaked, making it more difficult to damage while enabling the squadron to take out, or severely damage, a cruiser class each turn, on average.
 I used the same paint technique as my Relthoza fleet.
 They are slightly larger than a Relthoza cruiser but require no assembly.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


So here is the Executioner, a very good melee powerhouse. He was in the gang I borrowed last year for Gottacon and did extremely well. I made the same brick street base for him as I did for my Neverborn, mainly because he's a city boy. I'll just base my Malifax minis as fits the character, not as the faction.
 Based white. Then P3 Ironhull Grey on the blades, P3 Coal black on the hood and pants then P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight for the pants and hood trim.

 GW Dwarf Flesh on the skin, drybrushed P3 Midlund Flesh and lightly drybrushed P3 Ryn Flesh. The pant stripes were done in GW Blood Red.

 The blades were gently done over in P3 Cold Steel, boots in P3 Coal Black and leather work in P3 Bootsrap Leather.
 The back.
 The cut off hands were done in GW Rotting Flesh, leather drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan and little metal details in GW Runelord Brass.
 The back.
 I then used the black pen, similar to the blue I used for my Privateer Press Cygnarian Precursor Knights, for the delineation on the stripes on the pants as well as the chest hair. I purposely smudged the chest hair marks as it looked too clean with the pen. I brushed a little GW Blood Red on the blades. I used GW Devlan Mud for a wash and based it like the Neverborn models, as mentioned earlier in this post.

The back.

Friday, January 18, 2013


 I took a break from Firestorm Armada to expand my Malifaux forces in time for a local game convention, Gottacon. For my Neverborn gang I added the Doppelganger.
The Doppelganger can assume abilities and traits of other models and has the harmless trait, which makes her hard to target.
 I started primed white. Then on the front I added P3 Ryn Flesh and drybrushed GW Elf Flesh.
 For the unformed part I used GW Scab Red and drybrushed GW Blood Red. The lighter parts are drybrushed GW Elf Flesh.
 The hair was painted P3 Coal Black.
 The hair was then painted GW Scab Red then drybrushed GW Blood Red. The hair was drybrushed with P3 Menoth White Highlight and the sheet painted the same color. The sheet was drybrushed with P3 Menoth White.

 The bottom of the sheet was painted first with GW blood red as were the lips. The next darker color on the sheet was GW Scab Red and finally P3 Coal Black. I used the same technique to make the base as my Lilith Gang. Cameras are handy because now I know i need to tidy up her hair.
And her is the back.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Relthoza Cloaking Paint Scheme

Before I started painting my Relthoza ships that are able to cloak (all but the small ships), I searched for ways that people had done it before and found this by Scales at Square Table Gaming. I was impressed enough to give it a try and it worked so well for my first starter that I decided to use it for my second starter.
After assembling, I sprayed them with Flat Black primer from Krylon. I made the mistake the first time of using glossy paint first and it didn't adhere enough. After the flat black the glossy stayed on marvelously.
Then I used an old toothbrush and GW Deneb Stone for the stars. Put a little on the brush and run your thumb or finger across it. Do this outside or the ones you love will get very angry. Go gently until you get used to it.
 Here's what it looked like.
 I drybrushed on GW Liche Purple on the areas that didn't look too space-like in large amorphous areas.
 Then I lightly drybrushed on GW Warlock Purple. This brought out lots of details.

 Then I painted dots of GW Scorpion Green on the space transition points. This made it look like it was slowly cloaking on the skin of the ship.
 Then it was P3 Cold Steel on the weapon systems.
 The engines were painted first with P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight then lightly painted in the "hot spots" with P3 Arcane Blue. The windows were first painted in P3 Arcane Blue and wiped off with a cloth. The window struts were then touched up with the Warlock Purple.
 Right side.
 Left side.
The fleet looks quite good i'm happy to say. Now onto more Relthoza ships.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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