Thursday, January 3, 2013

Firestorm Armada – Stat Cards

Each ship in the game has a stat card. Damage done to a model in indicated with small chits placed beside the ship flight stand. The purpose of the card is to tell you what the ship can do.

Here are the older version of the stat cards...
...and the newer ones and the back of them...

Model Title: Describing faction, name and type of ship (Terran Alliance Sentinel class Cruiser).
Structure Stats: This is in the upper right and includes Damage Rating (DR), Critical Rating (CR), Movement (MV) and Hit Points (HP).
Points Cost: Self explanatory.
Crew Stats: Includes Crew Points (CP) and Assault Points (AP).
Point Defense: The number of dice used to defend from torpedoes and wings.
Mines: The mine dice value that can be dropped from the ship. If it is zero then it does not drop mines.
Shields: The wording and value here indicate what extra defenses the ship has. If shields, then it rolls that many dice and takes off the number of hits from the attackers number of hits to determine the final result. If it is Cloaking Device then when activated it always counts as impeded line of sight but rolls half the attack dice for primary weapon systems.
Weapon Stats: This is the attack dice rolled for the particular arc of fire and range band to the target. The Terran cruiser has a much better attack value with torpedoes (as well as a 360 degree arc) but is deadliest at range band two with a port or starboard broadsides.

Below the shields rating would be any MARs that the vessel has.

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