Thursday, January 3, 2013

Firestorm Armada – Cards

This is where Firestorm Armada adds a small mechanic that adds a lot to the fun and mystery that should be in tabletop games. There is a deck of 52 cards that, although optional, should be used to add an element of fog of war to your games.

Hand sizes are the same as the number of squadrons, maximum of five. Models lost, flights, escort squadrons or installations do not count to the number of squadrons for cards. In the end phase of each turn you check for your maximum had size and may be required to discard down to your new hand size. As well, a gamecard that was played cannot be redacted unless it was played incorrectly.
Each card is marked with an S, T A or R (STAR...get it. Space game. Stars...nevermind). Some cards are also marked with a C or a picture of a wing (fighter). The following is what they are for:
S is for Squadron: These cards are played on squadrons. Squadrons of one are still a squadron. These cards are played at the start of a squadron's turn, only one S card can be played on a squadron a turn, and if a squadron is not in coherence it only applies to one of the sub groups that are.
T is for Turn: These are played at the start of the turn before initiative is rolled, only one per player can be played per turn, and are resolved in the initiative order of the previous turn but played face down and revealed simultaneously.
A is for Action: Is played at any time during a squadron's activation, only one A card can be played on a squadron per turn, and cannot be played if an S card was played on the squadron that turn.
R is for Reaction: These cards can be played in reaction to an enemy action against you. Only one R card can be played for a particular event but multiple R cards can be played for a squadron during a turn.
Counter Cards: These cards can be played to cancel an opponents card. Exceptions are that only a T card with a counter symbol can cancel another T card and a card with a counter symbol cannot be countered.

Wing Cards: These cards can only be played on a flight and cannot be used on any other squadron.

Next will be movement.

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