Sunday, January 13, 2013

Relthoza Cloaking Paint Scheme

Before I started painting my Relthoza ships that are able to cloak (all but the small ships), I searched for ways that people had done it before and found this by Scales at Square Table Gaming. I was impressed enough to give it a try and it worked so well for my first starter that I decided to use it for my second starter.
After assembling, I sprayed them with Flat Black primer from Krylon. I made the mistake the first time of using glossy paint first and it didn't adhere enough. After the flat black the glossy stayed on marvelously.
Then I used an old toothbrush and GW Deneb Stone for the stars. Put a little on the brush and run your thumb or finger across it. Do this outside or the ones you love will get very angry. Go gently until you get used to it.
 Here's what it looked like.
 I drybrushed on GW Liche Purple on the areas that didn't look too space-like in large amorphous areas.
 Then I lightly drybrushed on GW Warlock Purple. This brought out lots of details.

 Then I painted dots of GW Scorpion Green on the space transition points. This made it look like it was slowly cloaking on the skin of the ship.
 Then it was P3 Cold Steel on the weapon systems.
 The engines were painted first with P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight then lightly painted in the "hot spots" with P3 Arcane Blue. The windows were first painted in P3 Arcane Blue and wiped off with a cloth. The window struts were then touched up with the Warlock Purple.
 Right side.
 Left side.
The fleet looks quite good i'm happy to say. Now onto more Relthoza ships.

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