Thursday, January 3, 2013

Firestorm Armada – Order of Play

There are four phases to each turn: Turn Card, Initiative, Squadron Activation and End.

Turn Card Phase: Players may play one turn card and apply the results.

Initiative Phase: Each side rolls 2d6 and adds their race's Fleet Tactic Bonus. The side with the highest has initiative for the current turn. This is used when determining who activates squadrons first and the order that game cards are played and/or resolved.

Squadron Activation Phase: Players alternate, starting with the player that has initiative that turn, activating squadrons. When a squadron activates it must do all of its actions with all of the ships in the squadron before play passes to your opponent. This includes the Command segment (determining who is in coherency), Movement segment, Combat segment including firing (either linked if you are in coherency or separately), and then the Boarding segment. You can also do things like laying mines, launching flights, emergency shunting, assaulting...etc. Don't be worried about all the things your squadrons can do. Myself and my friends have been adding another thing each game with good results.

End Phase: This is the time to clean the board up a little including checking for end game, perform any compulsory actions, make damage repairs, tidy game markers and draw new game cards.

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