Friday, January 18, 2013


 I took a break from Firestorm Armada to expand my Malifaux forces in time for a local game convention, Gottacon. For my Neverborn gang I added the Doppelganger.
The Doppelganger can assume abilities and traits of other models and has the harmless trait, which makes her hard to target.
 I started primed white. Then on the front I added P3 Ryn Flesh and drybrushed GW Elf Flesh.
 For the unformed part I used GW Scab Red and drybrushed GW Blood Red. The lighter parts are drybrushed GW Elf Flesh.
 The hair was painted P3 Coal Black.
 The hair was then painted GW Scab Red then drybrushed GW Blood Red. The hair was drybrushed with P3 Menoth White Highlight and the sheet painted the same color. The sheet was drybrushed with P3 Menoth White.

 The bottom of the sheet was painted first with GW blood red as were the lips. The next darker color on the sheet was GW Scab Red and finally P3 Coal Black. I used the same technique to make the base as my Lilith Gang. Cameras are handy because now I know i need to tidy up her hair.
And her is the back.

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