Saturday, March 29, 2014

Guild Sergeant

The Guild Sergeant used to be a Captain model in the first edition of theWyrd Miniatures for the Guild for the Malifaux game. Now you can have two of him in your forces.
I sprayed with black. Then heavy drybrush of P3 Greycoat Grey than drybrushed P3 Ironhull Grey. Then I went over some black areas in P3 Thamar Black and those areas a light drybrush of P3 Greycoat Grey. On the red areas I used P3 Skorne Red and drybrushed with P3 Khador Red Base. The skin tones were done with P3 Khardic Flash then drybrushed with P3 Midlund Flesh. The leather bits were done in P3 Bootstrap leather then drybrushed in P3 Rucksack Tan.
 The leather paints were used for the hair with some blending except the female guard where I used P3 Cygnar Yellow. The gold bits I used P3 Rhulic Gold and metal bits P3 Cold Steel. I then washed everything in GW Devlan Mud and based it like my other Malifaux models with air drying clay.

I know his base is too big. I have since taken him off and put him on a smaller base.

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