Friday, March 7, 2014

Guildball - Kickstarter - First Demo Game

A friend and I have been interested in a new Kickstarter called Guildball. Its basically six on six soccer-like miniature skirmish game in a low magic setting fantasy world. They have demo materiel including rules, cutouts and stat cards for the Fishermen and Butcher's guilds at their Kickstarter site.
The rules are simple with depth but still in a late beta stage. The imagination in the concept is strong and abilities of each player get boosts from other players on the same team. Each player also generates Influence that goes into a pool and is then allocated to your players. Expert players can have more influence than others and each influence allows actions to be performed by spending them, although not all actions are cheap. It also has a great system called momentum points where actions players do generate these MP's that allow you to take out of turn actions, recover from severe conditions and damage and most importantly kick the ball at the goal. In fact the game encourages passing as you get an MP just for doing so and you get an out of turn move as a bonus.
The game is played on a three by three foot board with little terrain. The quickstart rules recommend no terrain to get used to the rules. Our first game took two and a half hours but it went quicker as we got used to the rules. We are both not completely sold on it yet but do wish to play another game. Perhaps then we will dive into this new and interesting Kickstarter game.

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