Saturday, February 17, 2018

Batman Miniature Game First Runthrough

I recently went through a small Batman Miniature Game using 150 reputation points. Under the Brave and Bold crew was Nightwing, Alpha SWAT, and Gotham Policeman. Under the Joker crew was Harley Quinn (with pole dancer bonus) and Goat Headed Priest. I had set up the terrain more or less randomly but my friend suggested it look like a city street and it definitely looked better. Also made suggestions for the model cards and helper sheets I made.

By the end of the fourth turn, of six, it was all over as Nightwing took out Harley and the scenario we were playing was Skirmish. In this you gain extra VP for taking out the enemy Boss as well as more for taking out greater than 50% of the opponents reputation points by the end of the game. This game does flow quite well and is not complicated but has many options.

I also agree that I need some terrain that models can go into. You can with these buildings but its not easy when there is also models on top of the buildings or on different levels. A warehouse building would work well, with a large open area, side areas with two levels, and a token for models on the roof with clearly indicated "skylights" that they can shoot or move through. Also have to splotch this plain grey felt mat up a bit and make roads and sidewalks. Its getting there.

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