Tuesday, December 31, 2024

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of role playing and miniature games played, but time will tell.

For roleplaying my group finished the Pendragon starter box adventure in six sessions (two last year and four this one). My review of Pendragon is here for those who are interested (Hint: We really liked it and will be carrying on with another adventure). Twilight: 2000 first came out in 1984 and players are allied soldiers alive in Eastern Europe after WW3 and a limited nuclear exchange. They have to survive and get back to friendly lines. The original game seemed like it would be good , but as teenagers it just became fantasy with us controlling tanks and attack choppers blowing up stuff. The new version, by Free League Publishing, is set in 1998 and is much grittier and realistic. After five sessions, my character is recovering in a prison taken over by a cult leader as the other two players are trying not to get killed by a turncoat that knows and hates one of them. Intense!

For boardgames, a mighty eighty-seven were played. Games I most liked this year are marked by an asterisk (*). In order from most to least played are:

9: *Marvel Champions (3 Player)
7: *Heat
6: *7 Wonders Duel, Death My Die, No Thanks!
4: *Arcs, Biblios
3: Crib, *Terraforming Mars
2: *7 Wonders Duel: Middle Earth, 200, *Apiary, Daybreak, Five Crowns, Kollide, Pandemic: Hotzone NA, Play 9, Settlers of Catan, Undaunted: Normandy, Vendetta, Watergate
1: 7 Wonders, Andromeda's Edge, Campaign Trail, Carcassonne, Command and Colors: Napoleon, Freedom, Greece Lightning, King of Monster Island, Lord of the Rings Customizable Card Game, Lost Cities, *Mega Empires (Western Empires), *Mind MGMT, Splendor, Ticket to Ride: NY, Victory in the Pacific.

For solo boardgames, I just played two games of Campaign Trail.

For computer games, I just played one with a group, Terraforming Mars, and solo I played six games of Terraforming Mars.

For miniature games, I played thirty-one. The Batman Miniature Game was most played with ten games (see here for the year in review), seven of Battletech: Alpha Strike (year in review here), seven Marvel Crisis Protocol (year in review here), six Malifaux (year in review here), and one game of non-violent Gaslands (performance cars with one lap around a track).

I also read a lot of Battletech books this year, thanks to a Humble Bundle I participated in in 2023. It is interesting how many bore books you can read when flossing, brushing, and being out and about. I have been reading them in chronological order and they were: *Warrior Trilogy, Wolves on the Border, Heir to the Dragon; *Blood of Kerensky Trilogy; Legend of the Jade Phoenix-Way of the Clans.

For miniatures painted this year it was horrible. Only four Malifaux and two Batman Miniature Game figures. I have high ambitions this year: 
-Batman Miniature Game: The Batman Starter Box, all the Law Forces police, more Law Forces models, Organized Crime faction
-Battletech: Draconis Combine, Patchwork Guild Regulars, Generic Faction Vehicles and Fighters.
-Guildball: Two Union, Masons/Butchers/Fishermen remaining models, 
-Malifaux: Remaining Versatile models, Zipp crew, Ressurectionist versatile, Dr McMourning
-Marvel Crisis Protocol: Finish Spider Foes and Agents of SHIELD.
-Terrain: As much as I can!

Have a great 2025!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Batman on Bike (Robert Patterson)

If you need more movement distance to get around the board this Batman on Bike (Robert Patterson version) is the same cost as the starter box version. There is different abilities and either by special action, or automatically when an enemy suspect is revealed, you switch out with the starter box model.

All paints are TTCombat unless otherwise mentioned. Primed black, rough drybrush Dark Slate Grey, heavy drybrush Anchor Blue Grey, Drybrush Midnight Blue, light drybrush Vega Bluegrey, Black wash, light drybrush Light Azure Blue on armour, black wash, very light drybrush Opulent White, Black on leather parts (gloves, utility belt, boot soles, Batman symbol on chest), Black wash on cape and non-armored parts. I think I inadvertently did a non-metallic metal finish on the body armour, which was nice. For the lower face I used Adriatic Skin, Halfling Skin drybrush, White Knuckle Flesh light drybrush, Flesh wash.

Bike painted same as Batman but one less wash in the middle. Light and tire illumination painted Spotlight Yellow, Buttercup Yellow, and Opulent White with a yellow wash. Base made with Basius 2 Victoriana plate and green putty, dollarstore Black, dark grey, light grey, and washed with black. Base rim painted PP Cygnar Blue.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Batman (Robert Patterson)

From "The Batman" starter box I painted The Batman (Robert Patterson) model. This model has a unique rule where if it is the leader they can defer being the boss to a sidekick. Since this Batman model is generally on their own this ability is a good thing for the rest of the squad.

All paints are TTCombat unless otherwise mentioned. Primed black, rough drybrush Dark Slate Grey, heavy drybrush Anchor Blue Grey, Drybrush Midnight Blue, light drybrush Vega Bluegrey, Black wash, light drybrush Light Azure Blue on armour, black wash, very light drybrush Opulent White, Black on leather parts (gloves, utility belt, boot soles, Batman symbol on chest), Black wash on cape and non-armored parts. I think I inadvertently did a non-metallic metal finish on the body armour, which was nice. For the lower face I used Adriatic Skin, Halfling Skin drybrush, White Knuckle Flesh light drybrush, Flesh wash.

Statue painted Shadowline Grey, drybrush Ash Grey, light drybrush Anchor Bluegrey, wash of GW Nihilakh Oxide. Rooftop painted Dark Slate Grey, drybrushed Stone Grey. Metal supports painted Capo Red, drybrushed Viscera Red. Base drybrushed Black wash. Base rim painted PP Cygnar Blue.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Malifaux in 2024

I really enjoy playing Malifaux. It was unfortunate that I played only six games this year, but school and a long trip to the Maritimes does that for miniature playing. This skirmish character driven game will always be a favourite of mine for its strategy and scheme centred gameplay. Often the game can be won without taking out an opponents model and each game changes. Even with myself playing the Outcast Amalgam (Leviticus) faction each game was different.

    Here are pictures from assorted games played this year. I hope to play more next year. Enjoy.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Marvel Crisis Protocol - Intro

Marvel Crisis Protocol is a fun character-driven skirmish game with simple enough rules that are enhanced by the individual characters from the Marvel Universe. Even if there are different versions of the same character, they will have enough differences that alter their playstyle and change their usability, depending on the X and X's determined for the game's scenarios. Like Malifaux, Batman, and other modern miniature games winning happens for those who play the scenarios better than their opponent.

Although the game dice can be very swingy, and I'm not talking Spider-Man here, they are generally equally swingy. This feels like a comic book game and the great thing is that if both players are familiar with the rules and make decisions quickly enough you can play a game in one hour and set up for another one with ease. You can even mix and match heroes and villain models, with some restrictions. The low model counts are a good thing about this game: bring ten models ten team tactic cards, and three each of the two kinds of Crisis cards. I like this game a lot.

Here are some pictures of games I have played from the ten last year and seven this year. 

I have only painted two models for this game (Iron Man original starter and new starter box) and intend to paint more. After realizing that I was behind in getting models painted a friend pointed me to an ad on FB for already painted models. I did the math and the time it saved me was worth it. Here is my total collection of painted models.

The factions I am striving to finish now are Spider-Foes and Agents of SHIELD. Many other games compete for my time so we will see how far I get this year.

The first thing I painted was the measuring sticks. For those unfamiliar with the game the numbered ones are for range and articulated ones are for movement.

A great resource is Jarvis' Protocol which has lots of detailed images of model, team, and crisis cards as well as factions. There is also the Atomic Mass resources which include many useful items including the free rulebook.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Batman Miniature Game in 2024 - 3rd Edition

I have dusted off my old models and playing the Batman Miniature Game again, from Knight Models. I bought a large amount of metal 1st edition Batman Miniatures from a game store that was having a clearance of them in May of 2017, because of SKU problems and supply chain issues. By the time I painted enough models and got together some terrain together it was February of 2018 before I had my first game. Other games took priority because a new 3rd edition came out that wasn't supporting their older models, so my pile of miniatures lay in the dark. You can see my posts for the game here.

Then early January hit and a friend connected me with someone who wanted to play this game. Honestly I was hesitant because I thought I would have to buy my models all over again and wasn't impressed by the 3rd edition rules on a first read-through. After looking through the recent revision I gave it a go and connected with the person who was interested.

He had the models for the new starter set, above, based on the Robert Patterson "The Batman" film. The models were nicely done and there were fan made and company approved starter scenarios to learn the game. They were cleverly done so that each basic rule built on the other such that after five scenarios, available at the bottom of their downloads page of their Batman Blog site here, you were playing a full game. That website is where you can also find character cards for the models in the box set, rules, encounter cards, faction cards, objective cards and a whole lot more, all for free. And a shocker...along with the fan made scenario cards are many of the cards for older models! The free app Knight Models has is the best way to make a crew and to check abilities models may have.

After the five scenarios I was back to playing this game. I also picked up a few more models, mostly ones that filled in gaps and multi-faction models, as well as the new starter box. Besides the five scenarios we played ten games this year and believe we have figured out the rules. A warning: some rules are scattered throughout the rulebook. I am working on a cheat sheet, with page numbers in the rulebook, that will make it easier to check rules and waste less time. I have some updating to do but the current version is here.

It is also fortunate that I have been increasing my modern era terrain options because I have started into Marvel Crisis Protocol. Still have more terrain to build and paint, but that should not take long.

Below are more pictures from the game we have played this year. Be ready for more posts on this game in 2025. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Battletech Alpha Strike in 2024

After seven games of Alpha Strike in 2024 I am still very happy with this game. I played Battletech from when it came out in the mid-80's until the mid-90's, but much prefer this scaled down ruleset so that we can use lances of mechs and vehicles and finish in the same amount of time. My friend and I have altered some rules: divided ranges so the gradients are +1 each stage, use d12s with one different coloured skill die, and a few more minor tweaks including from the group at Death From Above. Here are some pictures from some games over the last year. As you can see, my friend has great terrain!

We are looking froward to more Battletech: Alpha Strike in 2025 with the new wave of miniatures, thanks to the kickstarter.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Pendragon Starter Box

The Pendragon starter set has been an excellent way to introduce yourself to this interesting world of knights and chivalry. Produced by Chaosium it was originally created by Greg Stafford in 1985 he carried it through many editions. This is the sixth edition of rules. 

Over one solo session and six group sessions with two friends we completed the adventures in the book. The rule system is straightforward and is firmly set in the age of chivalry. Women can also be played in this setting. The passion and trait system mean that the more you act a certain way the more likely you will become extreme in that passion or trait over years of play. This could mean that your knight becomes known for being energetic and forgiving, but also selfish and cowardly. We all liked this game and want to continue with it. I have purchased the full core rulebook and the Grey Knight adventure book and will read them thoroughly over the coming months.

This game is also played as a generational one, meaning that each adventure happens during a year then after gaining experience you age and carry on. Over the years you can marry (with your lord's permission), gain an estate, have to run it, sire children, train them, then pass away and start roleplaying one of your children. Although previous editions have much more detailed rules for all sorts of things, but are available here, there has been no new printed ones yet.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Shab-Al-Hiri Roach RPG

 From the Bully Pulpit Games website: The Shab-al-Hiri Roach is a dark comedy of manners, lampooning academia and asking players to answer a difficult question – are you willing to swallow a soul-eating telepathic insect bent on destroying human civilization?


Even if it will get you tenure?

A fast paced and hilarious game, The Shab-al-Hiri Roach requires no Game Master and can be played in a single evening. If you enjoy crazed one-upmanship, furious stake-setting, and chanting guttural commands in Sumerian, The Roach would like to have a word with you.

It is October of 1923 and each player is a professor (assistant or full) at Pemberton university. Once everyone makes their characters, which does not take long, six scenes are played out which take place over the course of a semester. During the game each player has to have a strong positive reaction with the player on their left and a negative one with the player on their right. 

There are three NPCs in each scene, that can be played by the players, and new NPCs can be introduced by the players as the scene progresses. Before each scene each player draws a card that has an opportunity (must use if not ridden by the roach) and a command (cannot use if not roach ridden) or it may be a roach-ridden card. Being roach-ridden enables the player to roll more dice and players can voluntarily declare they are becoming roach-ridden. Players also talk about the NPCs and how the scene is to be framed. 

Whomever the player in the spotlight is decides on which players and NPC characters are involved, and bets reputation points on the scene. Other players can bet one reputation and enter the scene with other NPCs. The scene is played out and, once concluded, sides are determined. Each participating player rolls dice according to the relevant skill for the scene, with roach ridden characters rolling more dice. The winning faction gets the stakes they put up and narrates the result of the role as a conclusion to the scene. The other scenes are played out similarly until the end of the final scene when each player gets to narrate their final outcome after the Gamma Gamma Gamma Christmas ball at Pemberton. The player with the most reputation, and without being roach-ridden, gets tenure and wins.

One might think the players should embrace being roach-ridden to have better rolls and win the game, but those who are roach-ridden cannot win. There are two ways to rid yourself of the roach, resisting and shedding, both of which have consequences. If everyone is roach-ridden at the end of the game the players secretly vote on who was the most craven of them and they win.

This game is a great refresh in between RPG campaigns since it can be played through in one evening. It is also a great game for conventions and short meetups since few supplies are needed.

This game is by Jason Morningstar whom is quite renown in independent roleplaying circles, in particular for his Fiasco RPG. As with many independent RPGs this game, and his others, focus on social interaction to enhance the player's experience. 

It is currently out of print, but available on Drive Thru RPG and itch.io. There are downloads available from Bully Pulpit's public downloads section for character sheets, handouts, and such. It also has two expansions, Overlord (WW2 D-Day landings), and Darker (set in Oxford).

Friday, February 23, 2024

Horizon Wars: Midnight Dark

Horizon Wars: Midnight Dark is a miniature agnostic skirmish ruleset that can be used for any small scale miniatures. The setting is near to far future and although there is a written history Mr Robey Jenkins said that people are free to come up with your own background and the reason why there is conflict. I really liked the original Horizon Wars rules and also the licensed Hardwar rules made by Strato Minis. Here was the review I did for the first edition of Horizon Wars.

    So using any miniature you want is one of the big draws for me. People who have been playing miniatures for a while probably have some small scale miniatures for a game that doesn't get played very much anymore. Games like Games Workshop 40k Epic or Battlefleet Gothic, Spartan Games' Dystopian Wars/Firestorm Armada/Planetfall, Gear Kreig/Heavy Gear, Dropzone Commander, Battletech, All Quiet on the Martian Front, Wizards collectable Axis and Allies minis...the list goes on. Even Lego! The Horizon Wars: Midnight Dark rules works well from 2mm up to 15mm. There are also three small scale miniatures coming out from three big companies: GW Legion Imperialis, Mantic Epic Warpath, and Warcradle Dystopian Wars. In the pictures below are a few that I have in that scale and some that are space combat based.

    I've primarily used my old Wizkids Mechwarrior plastic miniatures to use with the Horizon Wars system. They are a perfect scale, around 12mm, and provide variety. I also bought a lot of them on clearance from several online warehouse stores about 15 years ago. Repainting them is also easy to do. Some examples of my United Faction are Infantry, Vehicles/Special Units, and Mechs/Aircraft. Most of the different units I have painted for my United faction are shown in the picture below.

There are still only four stats for each unit: Agility (A), Defense (D), Firepower (F), and Movement (M). You can still react to enemy model actions, which is one of the highlights of this game for me as it adds to tactical decision-making both for the initiator and the potential reactor. 

Weapons still have unlimited range and still used d12s. Range is measured, agility stat added, and cover level added to get the target number. Attacker rolls d12s equal their Firepower stat, target rolls dice equal to their Defense stat and removes attacker's dice for each one that matches, attacker combines remaining as they wish to equal or exceed the target number, and every group of dice that equal or exceed is a hit. Target allocates hits to their stats as they see fit as damage and the same hits are allocated to fatigue, reducing that unit's effectiveness. There is more, like taking a recover action to reduce damage (not fatigue), but you get the basics.

This new edition of the game also cleans up parts of the original rules and adds some interesting changes:
    -New fatigue mechanic linked to damage taken, order tokens that cannot be placed, and units getting exhausted. 
    -Reduced the amount of critical results when rolling a 12 result to only one. 
    -Upgrades have been expanded and updated.
    -Air units, missions, and solo play rules have been updated.
    -New leadership, hero, defense, utility, and mech pilot upgrades.
    -New unit quality upgrades (green, untested, veteran, elite).
    -More, more, more!

    Another great thing about the game is cost. Once you get the rulebook you can start with cardstock paper chits, dollar store toys and blocks, used toys, or whatever you have around. Then you can pick up miniatures cheaply as you go to replace or expand your army. 

I recommend getting this new edition and trying out Horizon Wars: Midnight Dark. It is available from Wargames Vault here.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Hollow Waifs

Hollow Waifs are distance dealing models that can help the Amalgam faction. When Leviticus is killed he can come back by replacing a Hollow Waif model anywhere on the board. 

Primed black. Model on right's dress painted Skorne Red, drybrushed Khador Red Base, and lightly drybrushed mix Khador Red Base and TTCombat Phantom Ivory. Black parts of each model painted Thamar Black and drybrushed Coal Black.

Boots painted TTCombat Laser Cut Brown and drybrushed Hairbended Brown. Skin painted Khardic Fles, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, and lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh. 

Base made with Basius Steampunk plate. Painted dollarstore black. Bricks painted Skorne Red, drybrushed Khador Red Base. Metal parts painted Pig Iron and drybrushed Quicksilver. Entire model and base washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim painted Mouldy Ochre and name written with Prismacolour black.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Rusty Alice

 Rusty Alice is a solid henchman for Leviticus: ranged, melee, and a damage dealing aura for models that get too close.

Primed black. Pants and shirt Trollblood Base, drybrushed Underbely Blue, and lightly drybrushed mix of Underbelly Blue and Matt White. Jacket and hair painted Thamar Black and drybrushed Coal Black. Skin painted Khardic Flesh, drybrushed Midlund Flesh, and lightly drybrushed Ryn Flesh.

Boots and leather bits painted TTCombat Lasercut Brown and drybrushed TTCombat Hairbender Brown. Vest and boot ribbons painted Sanguine Highlight. Buttons and shiny doodads painted TTCombat Platinum Star Metal. Gun and armour painted TTCombat Folded Steel and highlighted with TTCombat Supernova Chrome.

Base made with Basius Steampunk plate. Painted dollarstore black. Rough painted Gun Corps Brown, drybrushed Rucksack Tan, and lightly drybrushed mix of Rucksack Tan and TTCombat Phantom Ivory. Metal parts painted Pig Iron and hughlighted Quicksilver. Entire model and base washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. Outer rim painted Mouldy Ochre and name written with Prismacolour black.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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