Friday, June 15, 2012

Abuela Ortega

After finishing Papa Loco i wanted to work on another elder of the Ortega family for the Malifaux Guild faction...Abuela Ortega, the matriarch of the family. Her ability to give a non-family model the family ability (models with family can go after one another which is a huge ability in the you-move-a-model-then-i-do turn that Malifaux uses). By the way, if you want to read the rules before buying any Malifaux figs, download them from Wyrd Miniatures download site here.
Here is the model's stat card with the studio paintjob.
 Model is primed white with GW Chaos Black for the under dress.
 P2 Exile Blue was then used on the underdress and hat then drybrushed with P3 Cygnar Base Blue then drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight.
 The overdress was painted with P3 Bootstrap Leather then drybrushed with P3 Gun Corps Brown. The gunstock was painted with P3 Rucksack Tan.
 The hat frount was painted with P3 Menoth White Highlight. The details on the dress were painted with Gw Ice Blue, GW Scorpion Green then GW Enchanted Blue.
 The skin was painted GW Dwarf Flesh then drybrushed with GW Elf Flesh. The red beads were painted with GW Red Gore. The gun metal was painted with P3 Ironhull Grey then Drybrushed with P3 Cold Steel.
 For delineating the dress details i used a Prismacolor pen, available in hobby and craft stores.
 Here's the result. I also used it for Papa Loco's sign and my Warmachine Cygnar Precursor Knights. I painted the hair and eyebrows GW Codex Grey then drybrushed with GW Fortress Grey. The skulls on her hat were painted with GW Bleached Bone then drybrushed with P3 Menoth White Highlight. The pipe was painted with P3 Bootstrap Leather.
 The shell bandolier was painted Chaos Black the lightly drybrushed with P3 Bastion Grey. The purse was drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan then the whole model washed with GW Delvan Mud. Finally the hair barrets were painted GW Blood Red.

Next is the remaining three models from the Ortega's starter box: Nino, Francisco and Santiago.

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