Sunday, June 17, 2012

Francisco Ortega

Last of the Malifaux miniatures in the Perdida Family that i'm painting (for now), is Francisco Ortega. He's the second-in-command and just as good with a sabre as with his gun.
 Here's the stat card and studio paint job.
 P3 Exile Blue jeans with drybrushing P3 Cygnar Base Blue and lightly drybrushing Cygnar Blue Highlight.
 P3 Rucksack Tan on the jacket and gun stock. Drybrush GW Dwarf Flesh on the hat and jacket. P3 Bootstrap Leather on the belt and boots.
 Here it is from the back.
 P3 Traitor Green on the shirt and cuffs. Drybrushed GW Bleached Bone on the clothes.
 GW Dwarf Flesh on the skin drybrushed with GW Elf Flesh. P3 Ironhull Grey on the metal and then it was drybrushed with P3 Cold Steel.
 GW Shining Gold on the shiny metal bits. GW Chaos Black on the hair then drybrushed P3 Bootsrap Leather and again lightly drybrushed with P3 Rucksack Tan. GW Blood Red was brushed on the hat detail then a wash of GW Baal Red was brushed on the hat.Finally GW Devlan Mud wash was applied to everything but the hat.

Now its onto basing the Ortega Family!

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