Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Two Gun Mage Adepts

Cygnarian Gun Mage Adepts are like solo Gun Mages with excellent commander abilities and can take out stealth models if they stand still to gain the aiming bonus.
 Primed white.
 P3 Bastion Grey pants. P3 Cygnar Base Blue jacket and drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight.
 Jacket and pants Drybrushed 50/50 P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight and P3 Frostbite. P3 Bootstrap Leather was used on the boots and holster and such. GW Runelord Brass on the chest piece. For those who have noticed, the adept on the left is missing his sword so i'll have to order one or see if its hidden amongst some Cygnar models i haven't assembled yet.
 GW Dwarf Flesh on the face and drybrushed GW Elf Flesh. P3 Gun Corp Brown was painted and drybrushed on the boots and holsters and such as well as the bandolier. P3 Rucksack Leather was used on the gun stocks and straps. P3 Scorched Brown was used on the middle part of the holsters.
 P3 Ironhull Grey was used on the hair and gun/metal parts. P3 Bastion Grey was drybrushed on the cuffs and hair, then P3 Frostbite was lightly drybrushed on the hair. P3 Cold steel was drybrushed on the metal parts. GW Runelord Brass was drybrushed on the cuffs. P3 Arcane Blue was applied to the glass on the goggles.
  Then finally a GW Devlan Mud wash.
 Ta da....pow pow. I also used dots of P3 Cygnar Yellow on the bases to tell the two apart.

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