Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nino Ortega

Next in the Perdita Gang starter is Nino Ortego. He goes ahead of your gang and pops your opponent one by one.
Here is the stat card paint job.
 The model primed white.
 P3 Exile Blue jeans with drybrushed Cygnar Bale Blue and lightly drybrushed Cygnar Blue Highlight.
 P3 Bootstrap leather belt, P3 Rucksack Leather trenchcoat and gaters. P3 Traitor Green socks.
 P3 Menoth White shirt and drybrushed on the jeans. GW Scorpion Green drybrushed heavily on the socks. GW Bleached Bone drybrushed on the shirt and trenchcoat. GW Chaos Black on the hat.
 GW Dwarf Flesh on the skin, then drybrushed GW Elf Flesh. P3 Ironhull Grey on the metal and drybrushed P3 Cold Steel.
 GW Scorpion Green on the hatband. P3 Rucksack Tan on the hair and GW Blood Red drybrushed to give it a reddish hue and GW Blood Red also on the glasses. GW Shining Gold on the metal. Then a wash of GW Delvan Mud over everything.

Very wika-wika-wild-wild west.

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