Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Papa Loco

A model in the Malifaux Perdida Gang box is...Papa Loco. He's broken out/been broken out of insane asylums because he likes to blow things up.
 Primed white.
 Here's the stat card studio paintjob.
 GW Bleached Bone jacket and P3 Menoth White Highlight pants.
 GW Chaos Black stripes on his pants, GW Scorched Brown boots, and P3 Rucksack Tan pistol stock.
 GW Devlan Mud wash on the jacket, GW Dwarf Flesh for the skin with a drybrush of GW Elf Flesh over it and the sign. GW Red Gore for the dynamite.
 GW Chaos Black for the belt and holster, P3 Iron Hull Grey for the metal parts and drybrush P3 Cold Steel on them. GW Codex Grey for the hair and eybrows with drybrushing GW Fortress Grey over top. GW Blood Red drybrushing on the dynamite.
 Finally P3 Menoth White Highlight drybrushed on the hair, teeth and eyebrows, drybrushed P3 Rucksack Tan on the sign, GW Blood Red for two wounds on the arm and a little drybrushing on the nose (like in the studio picture), Gryphon Sepia on the jacket, and GW Devlan Mud over everything but the jacket.

All in all a simple figure to paint. Be aware that the sparkling bit on the end of the dynamite fell off the figure and there was no good way to pin it on. Be careful when you do your model.

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