Sunday, June 3, 2012

Perdita Ortega

So for my Malifaux Guild faction, in order to have someone to face off against my Neverborn Lilith gang, i'm doing Perdidta's Gang plus her familiar and Abuela Ortega. I've started with Perdita.
Here's the studio painted model on the stat card.
 Here the model is primed with white.
 Then some GW Dwarf Flesh.
 Some drybrushing with GW Elf Flesh.
 Pants and wristbands were painted GW Scorched Brown.
 Then the pants and wristbands were drybrushed P3 Gun Corps Brown and the shirt painted with GW Foundation Mecrite Red.
 Hair, boots, belt and gunbelt painted GW Chaos Black. Pants drybrushed P3 Bootstrap leather and the hat painted same colour.
 P3 Ironhull Grey was drybrushed on all the black parts. P3 Menoth White Highlight was drybrushed on the blouse.
 Gw Blood Red on the lips. GW Runelord Brass on the metal buckle, necklace and coins on the hat.
 Finally a wash of GW Gryphon Sepia on the hair and GW Devlan mud wash all over.

Next for the gang is her familiar, the Enslaved Nephilium.

Below is the job Jeremy, a friend of mine, did.

 He's a much better painter than me, as you can see.

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