Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dystopian Wars Launch and Firestorm Armada Beta

 In just over three days, Wayland Games will start selling their first new models and rules with the Hunt for the Prometheus starter box, the next iteration of the Dystopian Wars rules since they bought Spartan Games' assets. A friend and I are splitting the box and I do not need the rulebook as I will be getting my own physical copy, with their registration program. In that program, you could post yourself with an Spartan Games Dystopian Wars rulebook in order to get the new one. I did that over a year ago and received notification that it would be coming after they affirmed my address. 

That brings me to Firestorm Armada. They are in a beta right now and intend on doing the same thing. Post yourself, fill in the form, and join the new community for the next version of the game. You can even have the rulebook delivered to your local gaming store if you wish, probably to show off a bit and generate interest in the game. The link is here for details and I intend to do the same for this game.

Now if a new Planetfall and Uncharted Seas rulebook would come out...time will tell.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Maki Games - Modular Underground Dungeon - Wave 2

Wave 2 of the Maki Games Modular Underground Dungeon arrived (wave 1 post is here). Unfortunately the cold temperatures will prevent me from working on these till it warms up some. I'll need a lot of paint primer and dollarstore greys to finish this off, but should go quickly. 

The freebies box has all the bonus items from the kickstarter. The sewer set was an addon that I went for, in particular for Malifax, Frostgrave, and Batman miniature games.

Have I mentioned I need a lot of primer and shades of grey paint...

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Space Horizon Wars - Generic Units

 Continuing the project for my Horizon Wars in space units for United, Sovereignty, Insurgency, and Unknown factions (Unknown might be creepy but some are desperate or greedy) I have made some generic units. They will be used mostly for scenarios but can supplement factions as Q-Ships.

The bunch.

Generic Tug, for scenarios (P2 Mech with lots of armour and special movement or modified for repair or minelaying)

Generic Satellite (P1 Mech having lots of armour and no movement. Could have options like an automated weapon station with stealth suite)

Generic Small Transport (P1 mech or aircraft with 1 firepower and rest in the other three stats. Could also be a converted Q ship)

Generic Medium Transport (P2 Mech or aircraft with 2 firepower and rest in the other three stats. Could also be a converted Q ship)

Generic Large Transport (P4 mech with 3 firepower and rest in the other stats. Could also be a converted Q ship)

Generic Mining Tow Vessel (P3 Mech with repair abilities to represent techs and riggers onboard)

Generic Police Cruiser for when military ships are too much or cannot do the job (P3 Mech and thinking of it having assisted targeting, short extended range, and assassin upgrades to incapacitate ships)

Generic Civilian Transport (P4 Mech or Aircraft as a scenario unit although could be a Q Ship)

The back of it.

Generic Exploration or Ship (P5 Aircraft/Mech for scenarios although could be a Q Ship)

The back of it.

Space Station (P5 Mech with 1 or 2 movement and the rest in firepower, armour, and defense with repair capability and whatever else I need for the scenario)

Well, that's it on this topic for now. It was fun using what I already had in storage and reliving my younger days and purchases from my early 20's. Just goes to show you can combine fun, creativity, memories, and serious wargaming business in one bundle. Might try some solo scenarios and detailed stats in some sort of campaign pdf. Stay tuned.

Space Horizon Wars - Unknown Faction

 Expanding on my post a few days ago, here is the Unknown faction. They give no warning before their attacks. They move in and out of sight from the shadows. They have no flag, no embassies or diplomats, and no known creed except targeted violence with periods of silence. They have not been seen outside of their ships. Wreckage dissipates. You know...creepy stuff.

Here is the forces of the Unknown faction.

Unknown Frigate (Light Cavalry)

Unknown Cruiser (Heavy Cavalry)

Unknown Destroyer (Heavy Artillery)

Unknown Assassin (P2 mech with assassin and stealth addons)

Unknown Dreadnaught (P5 Mech)

Unknown Worldkiller (P8 Mech for a campaign I have in mind. Its really big!)

I like the weapon focusing system on the frount. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Space Horizon Wars - Insurgency Faction

 Progressing with my original post on using building blocks to make Horizon Wars space themed minis, the Insurgency Faction. Here is the ground forces I have made for the Infantry, vehicles, and mechs/aircraft.

Here is what I made for the faction.

Insurgency Frigate (light cavalry)

Insurgency Cruiser (Heavy Cavalry)

Insurgency Destroyer (Heavy Artillery)

Insurgency Dreadnaught (P5 Mech that has swappable stats in between battles to represent their ad hoc nature)

Insurgency Ultra Heavy Dreadnaught (P5 Mech with small or med or long range enhancement and swappable items to represent their ad hoc nature)

Space Horizon Wars - Sovereignty Faction

 To continue to expand on my original post, the space forces of the Sovereignty faction using Horizon Wars rules. I have no ground forces painted for the Sovereignty faction yet, but this year I intend to.

Here is the entire faction that I have built.

Sovereignty Frigate (light cavalry)

Sovereignty Cruiser (Heavy Cavalry)

Sovereignty Destroyer (Heavy Artillery)

Sovereignty Monitor (P2 Mech with medium range enhancement)

Sovereignty Battleship (P4 Mech)

Sovereignty Heavy Destroyer (P5 Mech with medium range enhancement)

Sovereignty Carrier (P6 Mech with aircraft transport rules)

Sovereignty Dreadnaught (P5 Mech with Medium Range enhancement)

Space Horizon Wars - United Faction

 So to expand on my Horizon Wars in Space overview post I made ships for the United faction, expanding their capability and providing larger ships for the table. Ground forces already painted are here: Infantry, Vehicles, and Mechs/Aircraft.

Here is the space fleet for the faction.

United Frigate (Light Cavalry)

United Cruiser (Heavy Cavalry)

United Destroyer (Heavy Artillery)

United Experimental Craft (P2 Mech). As the United faction has the most tach they can swap out options in these craft.

United Battleship (P4 Mech)

United Dreadnaught (P5 Mech)

United Carrier (P6 Mech) with transport selection from the aircraft making rules.

United Transport (P5 Mech) with transport selection from the aircraft making rules.

Space Version of Horizon Wars...with LEGO Building Blocks

 During my vacation over the holidays, I was tidying up my LEGO for building Frostgrave terrain (as seen on the interwebs at Bricks and Blocks Gaming) and noticed that I had a lot of cool parts for making small spaceships. The investigation turned into a fun holiday project to build space version of Horizon Wars unit types that are different than the terrestrial versions I have made. Below is an image of the overview of the four factions I have made from bottom to top, United, Sovereignty, Insurgency, and Unknown with Generic models thrown in. 

I have also discovered that the third rulebook for the Robey Jenkins series, first two Horizon Wars (2-10mm scale) and Zero Dark (15-32mm scale), will be called Infinite Dark and will be a spaceship combat game. This will come out in late March 2021 in a digital version. Until the rules are launched I will use Horizon Wars rules with slight modifications.

Here are the Infantry models of the four factions. I will alter the name for the ability some infantry have called "Dig In" to "Evasive Maneuvers". I also have made space names for the unit types and the original Horizon Wars name is in brackets.

Fighter (Light Infantry)

Fast Fighter (Mobile Infantry)

Heavy Fighter (Heavy Infantry)

Scout (Recon)

Bombers (Light Artillery)

Covert Fighter (Airbourne Infantry)

Rangers (Special Forces)

Further posts will detail the larger ships of the four factions and the universal ships, separate post per faction.

End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025

The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...

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