I found this item at the Halifax "Have Yourself a Gothic Little Christmas" craft fair at the Halifax Forum. It was their 11th annual fair and it had many interesting items. I have a few dice bags but not a dice container that protects the table itself! For $25 I procured this item. As you can see it is small enough to fit in most gaming bags.
Tabletop miniatures, role-playing games, boardgames, military history and gaming in Victoria B.C. Canada
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Dice Scrollcase Holder
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Tiny Epic Dungeons
Tiny Epic Dungeons, by Gamelyn Games, is a cooperative dungeon crawler game with two parts. The first part is the exploring, dispatching of goblins/minions, and enhancing your character. The second part can only be achieved by dispatching a number of minions equal to the number of characters and finding the lair of the final boss. Then the boss, randomly one of six, must be dispatched.
The eight heroes cover all of the typical tropes and are all different. After dispatching monsters and exploring both characters had very good items that stacked their potency but it came late in the game.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Marvel Champions - Cycle 2
In this cycle of Marvel Champions there was added to the game the first campaign expansion, Rise of the Red Skull, four additional Hero packs, and the scenario pack The Once and Future Kang!
The Rise of the Red Skull expansion first has two hero packs included: Spider-Woman and Hawkeye. Spider-Woman has been a little tricky to get the hang of as she gets more powerful for each aspect you play during your turn but has middling abilities otherwise. Hawkeye is much more variable and has more abilities to thwart schemes and attack both the villain and their minions. The expansion also has five villains to fight against standalone or in a progressive campaign. The villains are Crossbones, Absorbing Man, Taskmaster, Zola, and Red Skull himself. I played some villains individually but the first full playthrough of the campaign was with none other than Captain America and that was the perfect hero to go through it. A very fun expansion.
The four hero packs I tried out were:
Ant-Man: This hero needs to change between giant and tiny sizes every turn for increased effect but needs some help from teammates from time to time..
Wasp: Not great against tough independent villains but very good thwarting and against minions. A good teamup with Ant-Man..
Quicksilver: Could not beat Rhino with Bomb Scare after four tries but does well when teamed up with other heroes. Needs time to develop upgrades.
Scarlet Witch: Very good solo but because of her powerful abilities flipping encounter cards, needs to finish the game before the encounter decks is refreshed too many times or they are swamped with scheme markers to reduce.
Team Ups: In my last Marvel Champions post I spoke briefly about the ability to do solo play team-ups. Since the heroes in this cycle are very suitable for it I tried Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver and Ant-Man/Wasp team-ups against Rhino, Klaw, Ultron, and the Rise of the Red Skull initial villains.
The Once and Future Kang: For this interesting scenario pack, after Kang is defeated the first time, he splits the heroes he is against into independent play areas. After the level two villain is defeated by a hero, they can choose which hero join until all level two Kangs are defeated. The final Kang will be increased in side schemes depending on how well the heroes did. This plus his ability to give heroes debilitating or annoying obligations means he can be tough to face but not impossible. I decided to use Doctor Strange and it was a good choice as the game was challenging but always had a way to keep going forward.
Next it is onto phase three with the Guardians of the Galaxy!
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Tips 40th Anniversary
A small little book with lots of great content, for horror and regular RPG storytellers, is the Call of Cthulhu Keeper's Tips. Some are in the Keeper's Handbook but many are from RPG industry people who know their stuff. The sections are on things like preperation, players, designing scenarios, gameplay, horror, NPCs, monsters, and props & handouts. It is contained in a small booklet for the 40th anniversary of the game but currently out of print.
In the meanwhile, there is this gem of advice for people new to running games in the Call of Cthulhu or most RPGs on Reddit here.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Call of Cthulhu - 7th Edition Core Books and Screen
Call of Cthulhu is one of the classic roleplaying games that has stood the test of time. Published in 1981 it has gone through six editions and is now on its seventh. The rules are pretty much the same except it has gone to a percentile system but their books include a conversion system for older material. These roleplaying books allow for a more robust roleplaying experience than the starter set, reviewed by myself here. They are also a RPG fan favorite and their system has been in the top ten of RPGGeek for a very long time.
The Investigator book is geared towards players of the game: Introduction, character creation (including skills and occupations), organizations the player can be a part of, the life of an investigator, the main setting of the game in the 1920's, player advice, and references. Everything a player needs.
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Battletech: "Counts As" Vehicles
Not all of the vehicles have miniatures for them in the Battletech universe. Some are also hard to find. When looking through my old miniatures I found these that I had bought decades ago in a cool little game store in Hawaii. I painted them in generic colours so that any of my factions can use them in Alpha Strike. Painted Cold Steel with Thamar Black, Bastion Grey, and Khador Red paints. All these model rules can be found on masterunitlist for Alpha Strike rules.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Battletech Ral Partha Vehicles
Here are some Battletech vehicles I found that I had purchased in the mid to late 80's, made by Ral Partha. I painted them in generic colours so that any of my factions can use them in Alpha Strike. Painted Cold Steel with Thamar Black, Arcane Blue, Bastion Grey, Cygnar Yellow, and Khador Red paints. The bases are from packs of different sizes of wooden hexes found in local dollarstores.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Battletech: Game of Armoured Combat box number Two
In order to have more mechs for my Outworlds Alliance and Mercenary Company, the Patchwork Guild, I picked up another Battletech: A Game of Armored Combat box. It also provides me with another beginners rule book, reference sheet, maps and such. See my previous post for details of the mechs in this box set, and here for my Outworlds Alliance paint scheme. The Patchwork Guild paint schemes are variations of the ones here.
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Battletech: Inner Sphere Direct Fire Lance and the Patchwork Guild or "The Unseen"
The Battletech Inner Sphere Direct Fire lance has four plastic mechs: Atlas, Orion, Marauder II, and Crusader. The Atlas and Orion are painted with my Federated Suns Regulars colours. the Marauder II and Crusader are for a mercenary group I created, The Patchwork Guild" or "The Unseen". More on them below in this post.
Atlas: 100 tons, slow, Autocannon-20, LRM-20. SRM-6, two medium lasers forward and two medium lasers rear. Painted in Federated Suns Regular colours.
Orion: 75 tons, regular speed, autocannon-10, LRM-15, SRM-4, two medium lasers.
The next two are part of a mercenary company called the Patchwork Guild and their paint scheme reflects this. They are a made up group by myself and not part of written Battletech cannon. They are mostly veterans of Houses of the Inner Sphere, Periphery groups, Mercenary companies, and Clan warriors who had become disillusioned with their factions. They take contracts that do not target innocents and strive to make things better. Even though the are picky about their contracts the Guild never seems to lack spare parts. When in public they wear patchwork jumpsuits and black full head masks with mirrored frounts, as many are wanted by their original factions, and mimicked for their mechs. They are also nicknamed "The Unseen" because of this.
Crusader: 65 tons, average speed, two LRM-15, Two SRM-6, Two Medium lasers, Two Machine guns. Primed black, heavily drybrushed Iosian Green and drybrushed mix Iosian Green and Menoth White Highlight. Patches of Khador red Highlight, Cygnar Yellow, Cygnar Blue Highlight, Khador Red Base, Murderous Magenta, and Beaten Purple used. Cold Steel on metal parts. Washed with GW Nuln Oil. Sulfur Yellow for missiles, Khador Red Base for lasers, and Thamar Black for projectile weapon barrels. Thamar Black applied to head area with Cryx Bane Base drybrushed on then Cryx Bane Highlight lightly drybrushed on, and Army Painter Gloss used on cockpit window. Base painted cheap black then GW Technical Armageddon Dunes used on base. Army Painter Matt White applied on frount and back base arcs, and finally paint pen was used to write the name of the mech.
Marauder II: 100 tons, slow with jump jets, LB-10X autocannon, two extended range particle projection cannons, and two medium lasers. Primed black, heavily drybrushed Cygnar Yellow and drybrushed mix Cygnar Yellow and Menoth White Highlight. Patches of Khador red Highlight, Iosian Green, Cygnar Blue Highlight, Khador Red Base, Murderous Magenta, and Beaten Purple used. Cold Steel on metal parts. Washed with GW Nuln Oil. Sulfur Yellow for missiles, Khador Red Base for lasers, and Thamar Black for projectile weapon barrels. PPC barrel painted Meridius Blue and in center painted Arcane Blue. Thamar Black applied to head area with Cryx Bane Base drybrushed on then Cryx Bane Highlight lightly drybrushed on, and Army Painter Gloss used on cockpit window. Base painted cheap black then GW Technical Armageddon Dunes used on base. Army Painter Matt White applied on frount and back base arcs, and finally paint pen was used to write the name of the mech.
End of 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025
The year 2023 was varied for the amount of role playing, board, computer, and miniature games played. I am hoping to increase the amount of ...
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